Your Full Name: *
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
Device Name: *
Serial Number: *
Clinic Name: *
Address: *
Have you easily accessed the electronic user manual? * YesNo
Would you prefer to have user manual in electronic form or paper form? * Electronic formPaper FormIt doesn’t matter
Have you read the user manual thoroughly and carefully? * YesNo
Do you know the intended uses of the device? * YesNo
Do you use the device for indications other than those mentioned in the user manual? * YesNo
In your experience, can you add items to the contraindications written in the user manual? * YesNo
Is the information in the user manual and labels sufficient? * YesNo
Are the signs and symptoms in the device completely understandable? * YesNo
Is there a need for training for using the device? * YesNo
How familiar are you with the patient preparation process? * LowModerateHigh
Is the device set-up and connection to the patient easy? * YesAlmostNo
Does the patient feel comfortable with the device being placed on his/her limb? * YesAlmostNo
In general, do you approve of the safety and clinical effects of the device? * YesNo
Name the most effective intended uses of the device:
For which of the intended uses do you consider the device ineffective?
Explain if you notice any defects in the operation of the device, both hardware and software:
Is there anything else you would like to mention?